
Extensive research confirms that animals also need to consume omega-3. Most types of animal feed contain plenty of vegetable derived omega-6 fatty acids, but are poor in essential omega-3 fatty acids. Thus it is recommended to give a fish oil supplement, a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids to dry food.

Rabbits are not rodents but belong to the Hare family. Especially those who keep their rabbits indoors know that rabbits can be toilet trained like a cat, and becomes a natural part of the family. Rabbits will benefit from omega-3 just as dogs, horses and cats! Rabbit feed contain much omega-6 but lacks omega-3. When using omega-3 as a supplement you may find that your rabbit will get shinier coat, less hair loss and flexible joints. 

EPA and DHA fatty acids found in fish oil provide the beneficial health effects research indicates. Obersten Omega-3 is produced from fatty fish such as mackerel, herring and anchovies, which contains large amounts of EPA and DHA fatty acids.
